Our universe is a wild and wonderful place. In our new podcast, NASA’s Curious Universe (nasa.gov/curiousuniverse), we’re taking you on an adventure. In this episode, explore the Amazon Rainforest with Earth Scientist Doug Morton. April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Listen to the full first episode of the NASA’s Curious Universe podcast: […]
Category Archives: Tin Hàng không Vũ trụ quốc tế
Our universe is a wild and wonderful place. In our new podcast, NASA’s Curious Universe (nasa.gov/curiousuniverse), we’re taking you on an adventure. In this episode, explore the Amazon Rainforest with Earth Scientist Doug Morton. April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Listen to the full first episode of the NASA’s Curious Universe podcast: […]
Happy Earth Day! Join NASA experts on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day as we explore important discoveries made about our planet, talk with teams creating green technology that benefits life on Earth, explore a new type of aircraft making flight greener and cleaner, and hear from a NASA inventor who has turned coral reef […]
NASA’s unique vantage point of space allows us to better understand Earth’s interconnected systems and use that knowledge to live sustainably on our home planet, protect life around the world, and adapt to natural and human-caused changes. As NASA joins the world in observing the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we reaffirm our commitment to […]
A dusty Opportunity spotted on Mars, hot firing the rocket engine that will power us to deep space, and a visit with our newest class of astronaut candidates … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA! This video is available for download from NASA’s Image and Video Library: […]
The SpaceX Dragon cargo vehicle arrived at the International Space Station after it was launched atop the company’s Falcon 9 rocket from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. Loaded with more than two tons of vital science experiments and supplies for the Expedition 43 crew, Dragon was grappled by Flight Engineer Samantha Cristoforetti of […]
New Horizons spots its next flyby target, Administrator Bridenstine visits our west coast facilities, and using data from space to fight a life-threatening disease … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA! This video is available for download from NASA’s Image and Video Library: https://images.nasa.gov/details-NHQ_2018_0831_New%20Horizons%20Detects%20Next%20Flyby%20Target%20on%20This%20Week%20@NASA%20%E2%80%93%20August%2031,%202018.html
The pinpoint touchdown of the Soyuz capsule carrying Expedition 27 crew members Dimitry Kondratyev, Paolo Nespoli and Cady Coleman as it set down on a sunny, warm morning on the steppe of Kazakhstan.
The pinpoint touchdown of the Soyuz capsule carrying Expedition 27 crew members Dimitry Kondratyev, Paolo Nespoli and Cady Coleman as it set down on a sunny, warm morning on the steppe of Kazakhstan.