38 thoughts on “The Shuttle's Last Flight | An End. A New Beginning.

  1. Jennifer Raymond says:

    I remember the first shuttle launch. I was 6 years old, and not quite old enough to grasp the greatness and impact our unique American achievement would have on our history and mankind. But I grew up in the shuttle era, cheering its successes, mourning its losses, and wondering often, "what comes after?"
    I've enjoyed watching NASA and our country making a comeback in space exploration with Spaces and Crew Dragon…and I'm beyond thrilled to be part of a generation that brings us back to the moon to call it home. And I get to share it with my kids and grandkids. And, God willing, I will be there with my family watching the first human stepping foot on Mars.

  2. kzdono says:

    I remember visiting the Kennedy Space Center in 6th grade for an overnight trip in which STS-135 was scheduled to launch the morning of our second day. Unfortunately there were delays due to weather and we did not get to witness it live in-person. My heart is still sad knowing I'll never get see one of the wonderful feats of engineering take to the skies. However, I feel so inspired by the legacy of the program that I'm pursuing a degree in engineering and hope to one day work on the teams that will help explore Mars and deep space beyond. Thank you nasa for inspiring myself and many others to dream big and believe in humanity and our capabilities as a species. We salute you

  3. Guru Kural says:

    Honourable and Beloved Chiefs and the Seniors,

    Axis to reach the motional zone's difference reaching really great. It was regular to attain the limitations with condition.

    But the minimal actions were really perfect.

    Thank you to all.

  4. Jacob Allen says:

    Talk about a BEAUTIFUL ship. It was a pleasure to have witness two launches in person, and having lived through the ENTIRE shuttle era, as a baby when STS-1 launched to my time at the police academy when STS-135 landed, I was moved by its legacy. 🚀

  5. Roy Rodriguez says:

    That is why I was ay the U.S.S.Lexinton in 2019 with Commander Fullerton who is Now UNSC. Commander Fullerton is a friend who was California Military. John Morales My friend who lived in the área also is actually Major Morales of the United States of América Military from California. He is litterally Social Force also, and he is Retired Major Morales from California División.

  6. Roy Rodriguez says:

    The Speedster knowb as The Flash is a criminal. The reason I live in Texas, is because of Allied linked to the Government of Texas, and Crown of Spain. Micheal is not one of those people, and he only assisted me to create the United States of América. He was Mostly an average man who I decides to edúcate who was a Marine. I then awarded Fossum rank for Deciding to continue the path of Life I described to him. He was a Military Marine First Sergeant until we created NASA.

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