Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video)

48 thoughts on “Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video)

  1. Real Talk says:

    Not to say "I told you so"…but I think I was the the 1st person to write, "A massive explosion cause the conditions we see on Mars today."

    Atmospheric in my opinion.

    Which means, life may exist on Mars in subterranean environments. Careful what you look for…you just may find it.

  2. Ghulam Nabi Solangi says:

    Are you going to settle life on Mars? Do you know that Allah's promise is that one day there will be a day of judgment in which everything will be annihilated, along with Mars, yes, Mars will end and soon that promise of Allah will be fulfilled. Don't see or show the rest of these futile dreams of running on Mars, thank you

  3. Kiran Gold Film says:

    Are you going to settle life on Mars? Do you know that Allah's promise is that one day there will be a day of judgment in which everything will be annihilated, along with Mars, yes, Mars will end and soon that promise of Allah will be fulfilled. Don't see or show the rest of these futile dreams of running on Mars, thank you

  4. Kiran Gold Film says:

    Are you going to settle life on Mars? Do you know that Allah's promise is that one day there will be a day of judgment in which everything will be annihilated, along with Mars, yes, Mars will end and soon that promise of Allah will be fulfilled. Is

  5. Natalie Helferty says:

    Amazing footage of the Mars Rover. It was a Spirit filming. God created Mars for NASA to land the Mars Rover on the surface. Elon Musk will be disappointed in Mars as he didn't get there first like he wanted in competition with NASA. It only took 11 minutes for the Mars Rover to get to Mars as a planet very big created by God. Elon Musk has never even seen Mars through a telescope 🔭 let alone figured out how to sent a manned rocket to Mars. Tesla is created by God and this NASA Mars Rover landing was to rub it in the face of front man Elon Musk as NASA is run by God. Natalie Helferty who is Hollywood Royal who met Elon Musk and he was controlled by a Spirit made by the Evil Spirit. Elon Musk is not working for God and is still claiming Tesla is his when it isn't, it is God's. Elon Musk is denying God as Creator so we'll see how far Space X gets as it is a Spirit that is created by Elizabeth II Evil Spirit that is creating for Elon Musk still.

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